Window caulking leak repair in Ocean Ridge, Florida

Window caulking and leak repair on PGT picture windows in Ocean Ridge residence.

Window caulking leak repair can stop the leaks around your PGT window frames. Window caulking may be needed every seven to 10 years depending on the exposure it has to sunlight. When the caulking is cracked or has gaps and holes it should be replaced immediately to avoid water infiltration. Some caulking that is applied around the windows is not an exterior grade caulking and will fail if not replaced . A premium grade polyurethane should be applied around the window frames to the stucco. Silicone sealant should be applied around the glass And aluminum components of the frame and mullions to prevent water infiltration . Premium caulking sealants that are made for exterior is the best caulking to apply around the windows. It bonds the window frame and the stucco together to block rainwater from entering into your home.



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