Cloudy Impact Glass Replacement in Boca Raton, Florida

Fleetwood sliding door panels with cloudy impact glass. Impact glass replacement in Boca Raton.

Cloudy impact glass replacement is something that we do all the time. We see a lot of impact glass on Fleetwood sliding glass doors and other brands as well. This may be because the glass has not been maintained over the years allowing water to get to the edge of the glass layers . Once the glass becomes delaminated The glass must be replaced and is the only option for repair. Fleetwood sliding glass door systems tend to be on the higher end of sliding glass doors. When the glass goes bad replacing the entire unit is not something that is affordable. The glass on the other hand can be removed and replaced with new impact glass saving a lot of money to the homeowner . Once the glass is replaced the door panel should look as new as the day they were installed . There are a lot of glass options available now that were not available 10 to 15 years ago . Energy efficient glass such as low E can be installed to prevent excessive heat from the sun.



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